Sep 22, 2022Liked by rebelEducator

This was a stunning realization to me when I first started educating my two sons at home. At first, I thought I was doing something wrong because they finished their "school work" so quickly -- averaging 2-3 hours/day. Even in high school they rarely spent more than 4 hours per day. This left time for them to pursue their own interests and projects deeply and thoroughly, which lead to clear career paths for each of them. It's one of the best kept secrets of homeschooling!

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“Mathematicians don’t come up with the proofs first. First comes intuition. Rigor comes later. This essential role of intuition and imagination is left out of high school geometry courses, but it is essential to all creative mathematics.”

-Steven Strogatz, Infinite Powers

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This is so true! I tell my students that this school is not drill for something over the horizon. This school day, for good or ill, is your life.

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Goosebumps. "When kids sit in classroom after classroom, raising their hands to even go to the bathroom, they internalize that life is not something to be interacted with. Instead, they’re being instilled with the belief that they are passengers (or worse–victims) in their own life."

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Where's the evidence that "90% of a traditional school day is wasted"?

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