What a fantastic article. Thank you for sharing so clearly not only how things are so broken, but for guidance and suggestions and hope for how we can rescue the minds and hearts of our children.

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This is critically important. And as you point out, anyone who tries to point out that the emperor is naked is summarily dismissed, ridiculed and shut out of the conversation. As deeply (horribly) concerning as the right wing politicization of some churches has become, those that have-- literally- kept the faith (along with other houses of worship) became, along with families, that multi-generational community centered on values and a higher and larger purpose. Both sides are to blame for the degeneration of education, including the tendency to demonize anything faith related, which has gutted our culture.

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Bullying isn’t so much age segregation, as it is a detachment from adults. The natural hierarchy of attachments is eliminated in peer-oriented school. Bullying flourishes as kids seek a hierarchy. They dominate or are dominated. Their immature brains are not wired for acceptance, unconditional love… Not enough nurturing/invested adults to step in. Happens with animals too. Monkeys or elephants left to raise themselves turn into bullies! Recommend “Hold On To Your Kids” book which goes into depth on peer versus adult orientation, and the outcomes in today’s youth. Cheers!

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